About AJ&K
The state of Azad Jammu and Kashmir lies between longitude 73° – 75° and latitude 33° – 36° and comprises an area of 5134 square miles (13,297,000 square kilometers). The topography of the area is mainly hilly and mountainous with valleys and stretches of plains. The area is full of natural beauty with thick forest, fast flowing rivers and winding streams. Main rivers are Jehlum, Neelum and Poonch. The climate is sub-tropical highland type with an average yearly rainfall of 130000 mm. The elevation ranges from 360 meters in the south to 6325 meters in the North. According to the 1998 population census, the State of Azad Jammu & Kashmir had a population of 22.973, which estimated to have grown to 33.4 million in 2004. Almost 100% population is Muslim. The Rural to Urban ratio is 88:12.The population density is 258 persons per Sq Km. The literacy rate has increased from 55% to 60% after 1998 census. Infant mortality rate is approximately 56 per 1000 live births, whereas the immuni...
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